ABOUT:- The Universal Reserve Central Bank (UR) is the central bank of all and any central bank in the world. The main task is to oversight the central banking system and formulate financial policy.

Universal reserve bank also oversees the banking and financial sector and maintains a database of all financial institutions and affiliated companies in the sector. Each financial entity is assigned a number and a bank account.This list is published at the membership section.

Universal reserve also consists of the government treasuries of each country of the world. Each government treasury system is assigned a contra account at universal reserve to become part of the Universal Reserve system. This connection to the government treasury system is maintained for the purpose of oversight.

All other monetary or governmental based organisations all have bank accounts at the Universal reserve bank.

The Universal Reserve Central Bank (UR) is the central bank of the .central banking system, supranational and national organisations and governmental treasury systems.

Our main task is to maintain stability and oversight in the financial sector and public monetary resources and in turn enable governments to improve the financial position.


LEGAL FRAMEWORK - The legal basis for the single monetary policy is the Treaty on the creation of Universal Reserve organisation to oversight the financial sector.

The treaty Statute established the System of Central Banks (UR), as from 1 Febuary 2017.

The Universal Reserve was established as the oversight organisation of the banking system and the monetary system and to oversee the national central banks perform the tasks they have been entrusted with.

 The Universal reserve central bank has legal personality under public international law.


MISSION:- Our mission is to serve international organisations, governments,and central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation, increase governmental reserves and to act as a bank for central banks and governments.

Universal reserve central bank is responsible for the prudential supervision of the financial sector and thereby contributes to the safety and soundness of the banking system and stability of the financial system and improves the financial position of world governments.

We at the Universal reserve Central Bank are committed to performing all our tasks effectively. In so doing, we strive for the highest level of integrity, competence, efficiency and accountability.

We respect the separation between our monetary policy and supervisory tasks.  In performing our tasks we are transparent while fully observing the applicable confidentiality requirements.

Universal reserve works together with other systems and institutions, which comprise of the Central Banks authorities and the national central banks of the Member States, is the monetary authority of the euro area.

We in the Universal Reserve have as our primary objective the maintenance of price stability for the common good.

Acting also as a leading financial authority, we aim to safeguard financial stability and promote financial integration and supervision.

In pursuing our objectives, we attach utmost importance to credibility, trust, transparency and accountability.

We aim for effective communication with the citizens of this world. We are committed to conducting our relations with governments, monetary and national authorities in full accordance with the Treaty provisions and with due regard to the principle of independence.

We jointly contribute, strategically and operationally, to attaining our common goals, with due respect to the principle of decentralisation.

We are committed to good governance and to performing our tasks effectively and efficiently, in a spirit of cooperation and teamwork.

Drawing on the breadth and depth of our experiences as well as on the exchange of know-how, we aim to strengthen our shared identity, speak with a single voice and exploit synergies, within a framework of clearly defined roles and responsibilities for all members of the Universal reserve system.

We pursue our mission by:


  • -fostering discussion and facilitating collaboration among central banks
  • -supporting dialogue with other authorities that are responsible for promoting financial stability
  • -carrying out research and policy analysis on issues of relevance for monetary and financial stability
  • -acting as a prime counterparty for central banks in their financial transactions
  • -serving as an agent or trustee in connection with international financial operations


CAPITAL:-The capital of Universal reserve is derived from the member countries on the basis if resources shown on the member countries financial data.The reserves held back by universal reserve are calculated based on other factors such as population, income,gross domestic product   and so on.

These reserves are used primarily to generate income for the member countries.

Each regulated entity will have a code and account at Universal reserve central bank, and will maintain a reserve account. About 10% of the money deposited into banks must stay on hand, as dictated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) reserve requirement.

These resources will be used to raise capital for the reserve bank.

SUPERVISORY BOARD:The Board of Financial Supervision (BFS) is constituted as a committee of the Central Board of Directors. BFS Regulates and supervises commercial banks, Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs), development finance institutions, urban co-operative banks and primary dealers.

BFS passes Acts to empower organizations, government or non-government, to monitor activities and enforce actions.

Strong supervision is required as the financial services sector is the primary driver of a nation's economy.

 It provides the free-flow of capital and liquidity in the marketplace. When the sector is strong, the economy grows, and companies in this industry are better able to manage risk.

A strong financial services sector can lead to economic growth while a failing system can drag down a nation's economy.

Universal reserve will directly and indirectly supervise the financial sector which includes:

Commercial Banks (Banking)                                                                                                 Investment Banks (Wealth management)                                                                                         Insurance Companies (Insurance)                                                                                             Brokerage Firms (Advisory) & Regulated advice                                                                                   Planning Firms (Wealth management, Advisory)                                                                                  CPA Firms (Wealth management, Advisory)                                                                                          Funds and investments

Aims of regulation
The objectives of financial regulators are usually:

Market confidence – to maintain confidence in the financial system

Financial stability – contributing to the protection and enhancement of stability of the financial system
Consumer protection – securing the appropriate degree of protection for consumers


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