All financial sector authorities work with Universal reserve in providing oversight and services and are also regulated by URO.
View lists as shown here
List of all major Banks
List of all Banks by country
Other financial providers such as hedge funds are also regulated.The lists are not included due to the high number of such providers.
ALL STOCK EXCHANGES work with and are regulated by Universal Reserve Organisation
Other financial supporting providers such as credit rating agencies
and other agencies work with Universal Reserve Organisation,
UNIVERSAL RESERVE works with and regulates all financial sector
Credit score authorities.
Other financial supporting providers such as Interbank networks
and other agencies work with Universal Reserve Organisation,
UNIVERSAL RESERVE works with and regulates all financial sector
regulatory authorities.
Is an institution missing? Get in touch.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: has one main goal, ensure all humanity have all the basic neccessities of life!
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: an organization for the people formed by the people to care for the universe and the people
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: An organisation formed to restore the world to the paradise it was intended to be. A new day has come... A new dawn for the people, for creation and for the universe!
Deuteronomy 14:23 -
''And you shall eat your tithe before the LORD your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, , that you may learn to fear the LORD your God always.''
Universal Reserve Organisation - Imprint