The universal reserve consists of five organizations
FORUM: Here issues affecting the planet will be brought to light and attended to, resources from the other sub organisations will be chanelled to forum to cater for these issues.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE FINANCE: This will regulate the financial and energy industries by working together with national governments to implement regulatory policies as well as an be an active participant in the industries regulated.
The main monetary and energy organizations especially those formed via treaties or world leaders, participation will be mandatory and will work closely with the universal reserve to achieve the goal of caring for the people and the planet./
Climate change will also be addressed by the regulatory board to care for the planet.
The universal reserve will work closely with the major monetary and energy institutions and central banks to set up a structure that effectively manages to offer all the basic neccessities of life to every person
Universal-reserve-central-bank:The universal reserve bank will be the global central bank and will be set up to support all world governments through the central banks.
All other financial institutions that exist privately will directly work with and be regulated by the universal reseve global bank.
Universal Reserve Treasury:Will consist of all national government treasuries and public authority organisation funds put together and centralized into one global treasury.
This global treasury will actively generate income for the universal reserve through a complex structure, to increase government reserves.
Here private investors, shareholders and the public will be given the opportunity to invest in the universal reserve
Go to treasury Direct if you like to get investor information and a guide on how to invest.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE TRADE CENTER: URC will engage in trade to actively raise capital for the entire organisation. URC is the business center of the universal reserve and will own and operate several businesses to raise capital for Universal reserve organisationas well as work with enterprenuers and investors as well as financiers to raise capital for URO through trade.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE ENERGY AND MINERALS: Will provide oversight for the energy and minerals sector.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE ALMIGHTY GOD : Will set up a structure to organise world religions to take part in achieving the goals of the universal reserve. Here persons who wish to directly contribute to the universal reserve may do so.
Universal Reserve Organisation was created by way of decree, codified into a treaty and given a legal basis as a by law organisation.
The right to for the universal reserve to exist comes from the worlds population or people and all of creation especially all the people who inhabit the earth.
Its mandate also comes directly from the creator of the universe or God almighty indeed one of its five organizations will specialize in working with religious entities.
The universal reserve is based on principles of world governance laid out by the creator of the universe through a holy mandate given to the people of the world existing from the year 2007 and put together by the company executive to form the universal reserve.
Only one such organization can exist for all time.
The organisation was started by issuing of a decree based on religious reasons by which the founder agreed to obey the word of God the
creator of the universe, which was sent to the people who were living in the year 2007 onwards.
A charter to guide future generations on the organisation as well as to give the organisation legal rights was put into place.
All leaders of governments in existence at this time as well as all heads of financial institutions and major international organisations
were consulted on the formation of the universal reserve organisation.
The charter was set in place and all laws that guide such organisations were incorporated into the charter giving Universal reserve
full legal right and in this way the universal reserve organisation was born!.
The universal reserve will also be the highest authority in the world for all time.
The main monetary and energy sector organisations especially those formed through treaties or world leaders will work closely with the universal reserve however they will also be regulated and monitored by the universal reserve and are thus not consulted to give the universalreserve the mandate to exist.
They are required to comply to the regularory board as are all other private and public groups and organisations in the energy and financial sector.
The idea of such an organisation was concieved before any of the major finance organisations existed.
From early on as currencies came into being a universal regulatory board to improve monetary control was seen as neccessary by the main monetary regulatory institutions at this time.
The universal requirements were proposed and exist to this day. This is an idea and a neccessity whose time has come!!!
Any organisation that needs to form similar to the universal reserve as a challenger must get its mandate from the people by getting 90% of the world to accept.
Anyone in any of the industries regulated by the universal reserve who refuses to comply to it will have to be removed from office and have his/her trade licence withdrawn first.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: has one main goal, ensure all humanity have all the basic neccessities of life!
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: an organization for the people formed by the people to care for the universe and the people
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: An organisation formed to restore the world to the paradise it was intended to be. A new day has come... A new dawn for the people, for creation and for the universe!
Deuteronomy 14:23 -
''And you shall eat your tithe before the LORD your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, , that you may learn to fear the LORD your God always.''
Universal Reserve Organisation - Imprint