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Recently the German MP Merz issued a warning to the German parliament, he said 0n 24th of September 2022, an event that noone will ever forget will take place -He said everyone will live to remember that date. This prediction is very true. Everyone may wonder why is such a statement published here as world events in forum. What is this date and why has been mentioned at the German government parliament?

To state clearly- this date is massively important- it signals the date Lucifer, their God will change his form and begin a new way of reigning. This event is equaled only to the day the serpant decieved the woman in the garden of Eden.It is the day the whole world has needed.

This day has been preceded by signs- not from God but from Lucifer and his own preists can decipher these signs and understand their meaning.It is not a wonder or surprise that the day Lucifer shall change has been announced at the German parliament.It marks the end of lies under which the people live in.From then on the people will know exactly whom they belong to and what it means.

Prior to this announcement several things happened.

1.The pope has ordered all church funds be moved to the Vaticanbank signalling there is something major to take placein the spirit world that they know     


 2. The source of the River Thames dreid up 



3.Lucifer made a covenant using rainbows After the death of Queen Elizabeth

4.5 Red heifers have been sent to Israel, according to a 4,000 prophecy to be slaughtered on the temple mount in means 5 people will be disgraced publicly to herald this change 3 are know, the pope the queen and Merz as the representative of Germans, 2 are yet to come.And no the sacrifice on the temple mount is not Satanic, it heralds the change in Lucifer                                                                                                .


And No Merz was not talking about Universal reserve organisation, he may not herald the reign of Out Lord; He has no permission from God to do this. a diviner for Satan can only herald that which pertains to the God which he belongs to- Lucifer. So Merz did not misspeak as suggested by some of the Mps - he knew exactly what he was talking about - this is the new truth that people live by.As in the days of Noah people went on enjoying life right upto the end before the flood came and destroyed them .And now people shall go on about the business of living- under this new truth- whom they belong to. Who Christians are and how precious they are in the sight of the Lord.The patience of the Saints was treid enough- this comes to an end and this is a great event!

A very heavy read- yes, and how is this relevant to you. Christians Fear nomore, and all others hear what Merz said, remember where you are, it means strive to make a change standing wherever you are, to avert any form of destructive behaviour, if you are a teacher , a lawyer, a hausfrau, fight for this world and . beg for mercy, God is real, Satan is real, heaven is real and precious and hell is real, Beg for mercy.


Queen Elizabeth II has passed - Born 21.04.1926 and died 08.09.2022. The community of Universal Reserve Organisation mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth from England


A remarkable lady, lived and ruled almost as if she was a personal friend to everyone. She ran the race and fought the good fight. May God have mercy Upon her Soul.Who is like unto thee Oh God!To some gave he the right to be called sons of God.....and the keys to heaven....that which you shall bind and loose, the heaven shall bind and loose with you.

A great and loved lady has passed today...Namesake to my own daughter May your legacy endure forever. Lord have mercy.

 The BIBLE says believe ye upon the Lord, Fear thy God that you may be welcomed into paradise-they who dont are destined for the lake of fire and ETERNAL TORMENT; May God have mercy on the soul of Queen Elizabeth.



After the queen died a double rainbow was seen over Buckingham palace.

Genesis 9:13-15- explains what a rainbow from God looks like- anything else is not Godly.               

          The verse says- '' I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. 14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; 15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.

This is what Gods rainbow look like- anything else is not from God Almighty.Gods rainbow is only one,(not 2), his rainbow shines, its shines through the clouds-not above or below and A double rainbow is the work of the great deciever- Satan - the rainbow which appeared after the queens death - is Satan addressing his people.The rainbow over Buckingham palace, Windsor etc is not from God.And yes one rainbow appeared over Balmoral and in several cities across Europe - a dull rainbow,above or below the clouds- not Godly at at all and still a sign about satan to his own.

      The purpose of the rainbow from God is . it a sign of the covenant that God made with earth after Noahs flood. God promises not destroy his world and warns humanity to refrain from destructive action against his creation or they will be cast into the lake of fire and face eternal torment. And that is the fact of the matter.

              See the emblems at Buckingham palace- and so since the sacrifice is so high- a whole queen sent ''glorious and victorious'' to meet the God she belonged to - let us say then the reign of lies needs to come to an end. For the truth shall set us all free.Starting from now the white people who persecute the saints of  Gods people and call them niggers, blacks and so on, shall live by the truth of what they truly are and what awaits them at the end of the rainbow.This is not a Game. Heaven is precious.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
       The reign of truth starts now, and that is a pledge after the passing of such a great lady-- Queen Elizabeth you were precious to me, but not your people- Lord have mercy!




what does the bible say and what is the solution?

First my personal sympathies are with palestine, as it is not good to be bombarded and forced out of your home. However :
GOD did promise Abraham the land of Cannan, and clearly explained where that land was and why. The borders are defined in Numbers 34 and Ezekiel 47. Yes God promised Abraham Land that initially ''belonged'' to others, why is that? Various reasons mainly to punish the sins of the Philistines and declare his Glory to the nations!
The map of this Land is shown h

Palestne is promised to Israel. It is Palestine that needs to vacate the land. for Israel
For if God has declared a thing it must be obeyed,
oh hear ye Palestine move out of Palestine! Which God are you praying to if you wont obey his commands?
There is no need of war the best that can be done is to start moving palestinians out of Gaza and resettle them elsewhere in an organised way.
This fact will be hard to accept at first - but why does a muslim want to live and die in Gaza for nothing?Gods law is Gods law there is no alternative, either you live by it or perish.
Hear ye the word of the Lord and obey it.

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