WE THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET EARTH, by way of decree and by the laws and as represented by our countries heads of state as representatives of the people.

WE THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET EARTH; as represented by our sitting heads of state in the year 2017 a.d have decided to save the planet earth and set up a mechanism supported by the worlds financial resources to ensure a decent life for all and access to the basic human needs of food,shelter, health and education.

WE THE PEOPLE OF THE PLANET EARTH, reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person,in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small and to establish conditions under which all human beings can thrive, promote social progress, and better standards of life.

To contribute to achieving a more coherent global economic policy making ; Provide a forum for policy making

Ensure strict observance of the creation of wealth rules and discipline required.

Contribute to policy surveillance

Cooperate with other existing organizations with the aim of improving global welfare through its various aspects economic ,humanitarian, ecological,security.

Accordingly, the people of the planet earth, as represented by the current heads of state for each country as representatives of the people who have exhibited their full powers as confered to them and found this to be in good and due form, agree and accept the charter of the Universal Reserve Organisation and do hereby agree to establish an international organisation to be known as the

With this charter the universal reserve is hereby incorporated.

1. Introduction
2. Articles of charter
3. Purposes
4. Objectives
5. Members
6. Capital
7. Support to world governments.
8. Operations
9. Currency
12.Location of offices
14.Global central bank
15.Special reserve
16.Gold standard
19.Application of articles
21.Final provisions


The people of the planet as represented by the their heads of state and universal reserve organisation representatives agree as follows:


Universal reserve organisation is established and shall operate in accordance with the follow
ing provisions:

The purposes of universal reserve organisation are:
1. To promote better living standards and international monetary supervision as well as centralize all worlds resources and wealth which will include financial and mineral resources into one permanent institution which provide the machinery for implementation of fiscal policies which will result in improved living conditions.

2. To contribute to the maintainance of high levels of real income and to foster the development of productive resources of all countries as the primary objective of economic policy.

3. To promote the long range balanced growth of economies of each country on the planet and the maintenance of equilibrium in balance of payments by encouraging investments for the development of the productive resources of members and thus assisting in raising productivity and standards of living.

4. To manage world resources.

5. To serve as a regulatory board regulating creation of wealth focusing mainly in the energy and financial sector.   


6. Centralize all existing income into one global authority.

 7. To create wealth as an institution to be used to finance world governments. 


The organisation shall be guided in all its decisions by the purposes set forth.



The organisation Universal reserve organisation to be refered hereinafter as URO has essentially an economic character and is set up to improve the living standards of communities and to take care of the planet.
The basic objectives of universal reserve organisation are:-
-To promote economic and social progress which is balanced and sustainable in particular through the strengthening of economic and social cohesion.
-To care for the planet by establishing a regulatory board which will address climate change and other issues which affect the planet.
-Will harness the worlds resources which create wealth focusing mainly on mineral and energy resources and regulate this sector fully with the aim of raising capital for universal reserve organisation to be used to finance national governments.

-Will be based on the principles the creator of the universe had in mind when the world was created.
For this reason URO will centralize all world religions into one outfit as one of the five organisations which comprise URO and maintain a forum with all worlds religions as well as put the resources from religions entities to use with the aim of generating
income to finance URO in its quest to fullfill its objectives.
-Will have a global central bank comprising of a system of national central banks put together.
-Will have a URO-Treasury comprising all national government treasuries it is through this treasury that URO will actively raise income to finance national economies.
-Will also own a business hub which will own Universal reserve petroleum,and minerals development, and other trade businesses.
-URO shall establish an internal market and capital base and work to sustain development of national governments mainly balanced economic growth, price stability,a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment,social
progress and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment, URO shall promote scientific and technical advance.
-URO shall establish an economic global standard which shall be measured by an internal currency to be used within URO to compare and calculate economic growth.
This currency shall be known as CEBA units.
-UROs aim will also be to promote peace and the well being of its people.


1.The membership of URO shall be each and every country on the planet.
Membership shall be compulsory.
2.Other members shall be public authorities, national and international organisations whose aim is financial based or natural resources or regulatory.
These organisations shall be required to cooperate with the URO
3.National central banks and the national treasuries.
4.Other public and private sector institutions falling within a certain criteria will be free to participate in URO; only not as members but as participants.


The capital of Universal reserve organisation shall comprise of
1.Global financial resources as held in the financial industry which will include:-
the liquid and capital reserves of the members as outlined in article 4 on membership.
2.All liquid and capital reserves held in the mineral resources sector.
These financial resources shall be the property of URO and shall remain at the disposal of URO to be adminstered through the global central bank to fullfill the objectives of the URO as stipulated in this charter if agreement.


Section 1: Use of resources
a. The resources and facilities of URO shall be used exclusively for the reconstruction and funding of world economies.
b. Shall be used for the purpose of lightening the financial burden of world economies in their task to ensure fair and equitable distribution of resources and in offering their people all the requirements a human being needs.

Section 2 : Dealings between world governments and URO Each national government shall deal with URO through its treasury and centralbank or other similar fiscal agency. In addition URO will maintain a forum to dialogue with the people on what needs to be implemented to resolve issues affecting countries.

Section 3: Financial Support to world governments:
URO will support economies by using fiscal tools which will raise capital for these economies.These will be accomplished as follows:-
1. URO will issue a Treasury bond to the governments and use the governments
resources to raise capital.
Settlements of the bond will not involve any transfer of funds from the government accounts of the face value however universal reserve
organisation will maintain the right to access the face value amount at any time and as it deems fit.
The amount withdrawn will however remain no more than 50% of the face value.
2. Interest rates on the bond will be paid as as stipulated as well as the face value at maturity.
3. This mechanism will ensure income for the national governments to enable the governments to implement policies that will improve the peoples livelihoods.

Section4: Loans.
URO will not function as a loan agency to governments, this will be done by the existing organisations set up for this.
URO will mostly settle various securities as it chooses to finance world governments.


Section1: URO will operate a global central bank and treasury which will maintain full access to all financial resources held in private and public sector of the financial and natural resources sector.
Section 2: URO will use these reserves in a systematic way to raise income which will be used to finance world governments and URO as an organisation.
Section 3: The URO set up will be a cooperation effort with existing entities active in the financial sector and natural mineral resources sector.
These entities will be required to offer support as requested.
Section 4: URO will regulate the unregulated private financial sector.
Section 5: URO will use these assets in the form of liquid and capital at its disposal to engage in issuing securities backed by the full faith of these consolidated assets to raise income for national governments and for universal reserve organisation as well.
Section 6: URO will not impose conditions or stipulations on national governments for the financing accorded.
This financing set up will continue regardless of the political state of a country.
Section 7: URO will however reserve the right to decide on which governments shallbe financed when and at what rate.


Section1: URO will maintain a global currency to be used to maintain and monitor economic growth and comparisons.
This currency known as CEBA units will mostly be used internally and will be equivalent to the national government currency that is no conversions will be done.


In addition to the operations specified elsewhere in this articles of charter the corporation shall have the power to:
1. Access funds fully from the financial sector and energy sector to furnish collateral or other security thereof as it shall determine to be used to service world governments through trading in securities.
2. Shall work together with the justice system to implement its agenda. Meaning the justice system and law enforcement shall coperate with URO to effect decisions taken by URO such as enforcing courtorders.
3. Anyone who takes action to disrupt the functioning of URO shall be charged with a crime equivalent to treason and can expect to recieve a harsh penalty.
4. URO will also act as a law unto itself meaning if any entity needs to be fined such fines will be effected directly that is without involving the courts.
These fines will be derived by freezing the accounts of the concerned parties, and moving the derived funds to a special fines account held at the national central banks and owned by the URO.
Should the concerned parties feel wrongfully fined they will have the opportunity to present their grievances before acourt of law which will decide further on the issue.

However if the fine was levied for any action involving violating this charter there will be no refunds made as this is a charter that is accepted and adhered to by persons of integrity which includes leaders of governments.
5. URO will also use all other tools of maintainang law and order as regulators of the industries directly regulated by URO and will be the tools already used by regulators to maintain law and order as already set forth.
6. Will keep vigil over the financial and natural resources sector which will include making sure every organisation, group or entity functions as it should and within its mandate without making drastic changes to their purposes.
7. URO will maintain the right to effect changes in the financial and energy sectors
These changes will be communicated to all the relevant supporting entities asdetermined by the change which needs to be implemented.
Changes to be made will only involve regulatory measures aimed at accomplishing the objectives of URO.
The sectors affected by the change that needs to be implemented will be required to comply to any such orders to implement change even if no reason has been given by URO.
Penalties of fines will apply if any such request is dishonored.
These requests for changes to be made will remain strictly as stipulated by the purpose of URO and should further the goals of URO being mainly to support governments and care for the planet.
8. URO will maintain a full registry of enterprises in the natural resources sector.All participants in this sector will be required to provide information as will be requested by URO.
9. Political activity or influencing the political affairs of a national government will not be part of the URO mandate.
Only the economic considerations shall be relevant to URO and these considerations shall be weighed impartially inorder to achieve the purposes stated in this agreements.


Section 1: Structure.
Shall have a board of governors, a board of directors, a chairman of the board, a president and such other staff to perform such duties as URO may determine.
Section 2: Voting: Will be conducted to make decisions for URO.
All directors and board members will participate.


The principle office of URO shall be headquartered in Frankfurt Germany.
Each country will have at least one URO office.
These offices will be used to manage URO activities in the country.


Each country shall designate the central bank as a depository which URO may keep the countries income as generated by URO. URO will maintain full access to these funds.


In the framework of the economic and monetary union that has launched this charter also establishes a system of central banks and a global central bank.
According to this statute all the national central banks will be consolidated into one institution.
This institution – the URO global central bank will be the decision making body for the national central banks and will also work together with the National central banks by delagating functions to them.
Most of the usual central bank activities will be carried out by the national central banks on behalf of the URO global central bank.

The objective of URO- global central bank is primarily to support general economic policies of national governments and to maintain the smooth operations of national central banks as well as to hold, maintain and monitor the monetary policies and their effect on world economies.
URO-Global central bank will have a legal personality and the exclusive right to make decisions on the use of central bank money.
In order to carry out the tasks entrusted on URO the URO global central bank may make regulations to the extent neccessary to implement the tasks entrusted to URO and take decisions neccessary for carrying out the tasks entrusted to URO and make
recommendations and deliver opinions.
The goal of the global central bank will remain primarily the channel used to finance national governments through the treasury and national central banks.


URO shall maintain a special reserve in liquid form to meet its obligations.
This liquid reserve will comprise of 100% of the liquid held in national central bank
and can be drawn upon freely upto an amount of 25% of the existing liquid held in any central bank.
This special reserve will also comprise of 100% of liquid held by:-
International organisations, financial national organisations,companies involved in the financial sector and natural resource sector,religious organisations and independent financial organisations.
This reserve will maintain special drawing rights of upto 25% of liquid reserves to finance URO activities as stated in this charter.


These will be used to draw comparisons on world economies progress and growth or the lack thereof.
All computations shall be expressed in terms of CEBA units which will be equivalent to the curreny of individual countries in question for instance
1billion ceba units = 1 billion Euro in the Euro area
and 1 billion united states dollars in the united states.
Gold reserves will also be held corresponding to national government liquid reserves and will be managed by the Bullion bank within URO global central bank.
The par value of the currency of each country shall be expressed in terms of gold as a common denominator.
All computations relating to currencies of countries for the purpose of applying the provisions of this agreement shall be on the basis of their parvalues.

Details of the bullion bank and its operations shall be communicated to each country at the inception of URO in the said country.
Securities will be maintained at a minimum of 1 billion CEBA units and will beincreased or decreased in relation to the growth rate.

These CEBA units will be equivalent to the curreny of individual countries in question for instance                                       

1billion ceba units = 1 billion Euro in the Euro area and

1 billion united states dollars in the united states.

Gold reserves will also be held corresponding to national government liquid reserves and will be managed by the Bullion bank within URO global central bank.
The par value of the currency of each country shall be expressed in terms of gold as a common denominator.
All computations relating to currencies of countries for the purpose of applying theprovisions of this agreement shall be on the basis of their parvalues.
Details of the bullion bank and its operations shall be communicated to each country at the inception of URO in the said country.
Securities will be maintained at a minimum of 1 billion CEBA units and will be increased or decreased in relation to the growth rate.


a)Each country shall designate an appropriate authority with which URO may communicate in connection with any matter arising under this charter.
b)Financial reports: URO will not make a public report of its profit and loss as the global central bank.
The only reports that will be made public are the growth rates and income of individual countries and comparisons to other countries.
These will be published from time to time and on a yearly basis.
c)URO will maintain a forum to communicate with the public, and public authorities as to which action needs to be taken to address issues pertaining to individual countries.


Section 1: Purpose of articles: To enable the URO to fullfill the functions with which it is entrusted, the status immunities and priviledges set forth in this article shall be accorded to URO.
Section 2: Status of URO.
The URO shall posses full jurdicial personality and in particular the capacity.
i) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property.
ii) The right to institute fines and freezing of assets without legal proceedings.
iii) To finance world governments as outlined here and reserve the right to decide on the order that is which government to finance first.
iv) To issue orders or ask for changes to be made within the financial and natural resources sector.
v) Will maintain full ownership and control of wealth and monetary reserves created by the financial and natural resources sector.
vi) Shall have full access to databases that contain records of businesses and business activity relating to the sectors regulated by URO. This will include government records and other public and private records.
vii) Shall maintain the right to issue policy changes and decide what businesses in these sectors may not do if such actions in the pursuit of creation of wealth harm the environment or the purpose of URO which includes providing a decent life
for all and caring for the planet.
Section 3- Position of URO with regard to judicial process:
Actions may be brought against URO only in a court of competent jurisdiction in the territories of a government in which URO has an office and has an appointed agent for the purpose of accepting service of process.
No action shall however be brought by members or persons acting for and on behalf of URO.
The property and assets of URO as held by governments or wheresoever located and and by whomsoever held remain absolutely immune from all forms of seizure,attachment or execution.
Section 4: Immunity of assets from seizure:
Property and assets of URO wherever located and whomsoever held shall be immune from search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation  or any other form of seizure by executive legislature or legal action.
Section 5: Immunity of archives: URO archives shall be inviolable.
Section 6: Freedom of assets from restrictions:
To the extent neccessary to carry out the operations provided for in this charter and subject to the provisions of this agreement all property and assets of URO shall be free from restrictions,regulations,controls and moratoria of any nature.
Section 7: Priviledges for communications:
The official communication of the URO shall be accorded by each member the same treatment that it accords to the official communication of other members.
Section 8: Immunities and priviledges of officers and employees.
All governors, directors, officers and employees of URO shall be immune from legal process with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity.
Section9: Immunities from taxations –
URO, its assets,property,income and its operations and transactions authorised by this charter shall be immune from all taxation and from customer duties.
The URO shall also be immune from liability for the collection or payment of any tax or duty.
No tax shall be levied on or in respect of salaries and emoluments paid by URO to its directors or board, officials or employees of the URO who are are not local citizens,local subjects or other local nationals.
No taxation of any kind shall be levied on any obligation or security issued by URO (including any dividend or interest thereon) by whomsoever held.
i) Which discriminates against such obligations or security solely because it is issued by URO.
ii) If the sole jurisdictional basis for such taxation is the place or currency in which it is issued, made payable or paid or the location of any office or place of businessmaintained by URO:
d)No taxation of any kind shall be levied on any obligation or security guaranteed by the URO (including any dividends or interest thereon) by whomsoever held.


Each country shall take such action as is neccessary in its own territories for the purpose of making effective the terms of this charter according to its needs and shall


This charter may not be ammended.
However new articles may be included to address any ammendments that need to be adopted.
These articles should be brought before the board for deliberation and voting.
An ammendment shall require 2/3 vote to be applied.


Section 1: Entry into force:
This charter shall enter into force when it has been deposited to a countries head of state or other representatives of public funds and public action.
This charter comes into force starting from January 13th. 2017.
Section 2: Signature:

a)Each government on whose behalf this charter is endorsed shall come into force with immediate effect and allow URO to implement its purposes and duties in the said country once presented to the head of state.
b)Each government shall become part of URO and a reciepient of URO funding as from the date this charter is presented to the relevant government representatives.
c)The presentation of this charter shall allow URO team to set up base in the country and set up the controls,electronic systems and other URO operations as stated in this charter.
d)After this agreement shall have entered into force it shall be open for further consultation by any government representative to clarify any issues or present opinions or ask anything that may need to be resolved.


This charter shall come into force starting from thirteenth January two thousand and seventeen (13.01.2017).
And for each individual country once the charter is presented to the individual country.
The operations in each country will be started by putting together the staff for URO and before this is done URO may still exercise all the powers and right to decide and
begin implementing the URO agenda in the country that is issuing financing over bonds.
Done at Frankfurt, in a single copy which shall remain deposited in URO and the presidents office, and or the vice president or chancellor of each country.
Also deposited to other heads of organisations that represent the cause for the people and or public money.
This charter upon presentation and as deposited shall be considered inaugurated.
No actual signatures will be required with the depository as confirmation of participation.
A three week grace period will be given for any head of state to voice any opposition to this charter, the lack of opposition thereof within this grace period shall constitute a reaffirmation of the charter by the head of state and permission for URO to begin  financing the said government.


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