
Universal Reserve Organisation is governed by appointed representatives and full time company directors!



The organisation Universal Reserve is managed by

1. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The board of directors will consist of Five (5) members drawn from individuals with expierience in managing international organisations.

2.PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR:The board will elect a leader of the board of directors.

3.THREE (3) VICE PRESIDENTS - representing the treasury and bank, forum and religion, supervision and energy

4.GOVERNORS OF THE FIVE(5) SUB ORGANISATIONS Forum, Treasury, Reserve Bank, Business center,Religion

5.EXECUTIVE MEMBERS: - drawn from heads of supernational and regional organisations.

5.MEMBERS - all member country heads of state automatically become members, and meet once a year to talk about current affairs.

7.CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER- manages the entire organisation and is tasked with implementing policies

8.MANAGEMENT TEAM- made up managers,officials and other company officers.

5.COMMITTEE HEADS - several committes assist the board in managing the organisation but do so on external basis.These committees meet at least 3 times a year and bring in creative ideas from the relevant sectors. 

Names of appointed committee officials are


1.Advisory committee: is tasked on advising on various strategies for the organisation and is chaired by                                                                                                       

2.Business centre committee: is tasked with deciding on the various business strategies to be adopted by UR Business center.


 3.Finance: is tasked with raising capital for the entire organisation


 4.Banking: is tasked with raising capital through the banking sector.

5.Corporate committee: is tasked with raising capital through the informal sector and has several members     


5.Energy: is tasked with advising on policies concerning the energy sector         


6.Oversight and supervision: is tasked with advising on policies on oversight of the financial and energy sectors.                                                                                                 

7.Audit. will consist of appointed comptroller and independent external auditors from Intaria and Price Waterhouse Coopers                                                                                                   

8.Forum: is tasked on advising on how to manage the Forum and assist in decision making.                                                                                                                       

9. Faith: is tasked with advising the religion sub organisation   


10.Legal: is tasked on advising and managing legal issues of the entire organisation.


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