All recognized countries aee members and representatives from each country have been sent.
The heads of state of each country are representatives as well and meet once a year.
All heads of state and government heads are committee members.
All monetary institutions including monetary based companies are all listed at universal reserve bank and allocated a monetary financial institute code and corresponding account.The reserves of the monetary institution will be used to create new reserves through open market operations. Each monetary institution allocates the required minimum reserves for the monetary operations of universal reserve central bank.
MFI codes will be issued as follows - UR+Countrycode+Institute registration number
Other financial institutions that will get MFI codes include
1. Banking -Investment Banks (Wealth management)
2. Advisory-Brokerage Firms (Advisory)
3. Wealth Management
i.Planning Firms (Wealth management, Advisory)
ii.CPA Firms (Wealth management, Advisory)
4. Mutual Funds
5. Insurance
6. Money management companies
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
European Central Bank (ECB)
International Labour Organization (ILO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT)
List of all the executive committee mebers- see International Organizations (IO)
The elected heads of member countries and the vicepresidents or primemisters will automatically become members of universal reserve organisation and will meet at least once a year.The current members are:
COUNTRY MFI-MONETARY FINANCIAL INSTITUTE (MFI) CODE (UR+Countrycode+MFIissued by country central bank)
MFI codes of banks in Afghanistan URAFXXXXXXX
.MFI codes of banks in Albania URALXXXXXXX
,MFI codes of banks in Algeria URDZXXXXXXX
MFI codesof banks in Andorra URADXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Angola URAOXXXXXXX
MFI Codes of banks in Antigua URANOXXXXXX
MFI Codes of banks in Argentina URARXXXXXX
MFI Codes of banks in Armenia URARMXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Australia URAUXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Austria URATXXXXXXX
9MFI codes of banks in Azerbaijan URAZXXXXXXX
MFI codesof banks in Bahrain URBHXXXXXXX
2MFI codesof banks in Bangladesh URBDXXXXXXX
3MFI codes of banks in Barbados URBBXXXXXXX
4MFI codesof banks in Belarus URBYXXXXXXX
5MFI codes of banks in Belgium URBEXXXXXXX
MFI Codes of Banks in Belize URBELXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Benin URBJXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Bhutan URBTXXXXXXX
8MFI codes of banks in Bosnia and Herzegovina URBAXXXXXXX
9MFI codes of banks in Botswana URBWXXXXXXX
10MFI codes of banks in Brazil URBRXXXXXXX
11MFI codes of banks in Brunei URBNXXXXXXX
12MFI codes of banks in Bulgaria URBGXXXXXXX
13MFI codes of banks in Burkina Faso URBFXXXXXXX
14MFI codes of banks in Burundi URBIXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Cambodia URKHXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Cameroon URCMXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks and credit unions in Canada URCAXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Cape Verde URCVXXXXXXX
5MFI codes of banks in the Central African Republic URCFXXXXXXX
6MFI codes of banks in Chad URTDXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Chile URCLXXXXXXX
8MFI codes of banks in China URCNXXXXXXX
9MFI codes of banks in Christmas Island URCXXXXXXXX
10MFI codes of banks in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands URCCXXXXXXX
12MFI codes of banks in the Comoros URKMXXXXXXX
11MFI codes of banks in Colombia URCOXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo URCDXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in the Republic of the Congo URCGXXXXXXX
MFI codes for banks in Costa Rica URCRXXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Croatia URHRXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Cuba URCUXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Cyprus URCYXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in the Czech Republic URCZXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Denmark URDKXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Djibouti URDJXXXXXXX
3MFI codes of banks in the Dominican Republic URDMXXXXXXX
1MFI codes of banks in East Timor URTLXXXXXXX
2MFI codes of banks in Ecuador URECXXXXXXX
3MFI codes of banks in Egypt UREGXXXXXXX
4MFI codes of banks in Equatorial Guinea URGQXXXXXXX
5MFI codes of banks in Eritrea URERXXXXXXX
6MFI codes of banks in Estonia UREEXXXXXXX
7MFI codes of banks in Eswatini URSZXXXXXXX
8MFI codesof banks in Ethiopia URETXXXXXXX
1MFI codes of banks in the Faroe Islands URFOXXXXXXX
2MFI codes of banks in Finland URFIXXXXXXX
3MFI codes of banks in France URFRXXXXXXX
1MFI codes of banks in Gabon URGAXXXXXXX
2MFI codes of banks in the Gambia URGMXXXXXXX
3MFI codes of banks in Georgia (country) URGEXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Germany URDEXXXXXXX
5MFI codes of co-operative banks in Germany URDEXXXXXXX
MFI codes of financial institutions in Ghana URGHXXXXXXX
7MFI codes of banks in Gibraltar URGIXXXXXXX
8MFI codes of banks in Greece URGRXXXXXXX
9MFI codes of banks in Guernsey URGGXXXXXXX
MFI codes of banks in Guinea URGNXXXXXXX
11MFI codes of banks in Guinea-Bissau URGWXXXXXXXX
1 MFI Codes of banks in Hong Kong URHKXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Hungary URHUXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Iceland URISXXXXXXX
2MFI Codesof banks in India URINXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Indonesia URIDXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes Banking and insurance in Iran URIRXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in Iraq URIQXXXXXXX
6MFI Codes of banks in the Republic of Ireland URIEXXXXXXX
7MFI Codes of banks in the Isle of Man URIMXXXXXXX
8MFI Codes of banks in Israel URILXXXXXXX
9MFI Codes of banks in Italy URITXXXXXXX
10MFI Codes of banks in Ivory Coast URCIXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Japan URJPXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Jersey URJEXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Jordan URJOXXXXXXX
1MFI Codesof banks in Kenya URKEXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in South Korea URKPXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Kiribati URKIXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in Kuwait URKWXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in Kyrgyzstan URKGXXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Laos URLAXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Latvia URLVXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Lebanon URLBXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in Lesotho URLSXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in Liberia URLRXXXXXXX
6MFI Codes of banks in Libya URLYXXXXXXX
7MFI Codes of banks in Liechtenstein URLIXXXXXXX
8MFI Codes of banks in Lithuania URLTXXXXXXX
9MFI Codes of banks in Luxembourg URLUXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in North Macedonia URMKXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Madagascar URMGXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Malawi URMWXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in Malaysia URMYXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in the Maldives URMVXXXXXXX
6MFI Codesof banks in Mali URMVXXXXXXX
7MFI Codes of banks in Malta URMTXXXXXXX
8MFI Codes of banks in Mauritania URMRXXXXXXX
9MFI Codes of banks in Mauritius URMUXXXXXXX
10MFI Codes of banks in Mexico URMXXXXXXXX
11MFI Codes of banks in Moldova URMDXXXXXXX
12MFI Codes of banks in Monaco URMCXXXXXXX
13MFI Codes of banks in Mongolia URMNXXXXXXX
14MFI Codes of banks in Montenegro URMEXXXXXXX
15MFI Codes of banks in Morocco URMAXXXXXXX
16MFI Codes of banks in Mozambique URMZXXXXXXXX
17 MFI Code of banks in Myanmar URMMXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Namibia URNAXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Nepal URNPXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in the Netherlands URNLXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in New Zealand URNZXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in Nicaragua URNIXXXXXXX
6MFI Codes of banks in Niger URNEXXXXXXX
7MFI Codes of banks in Nigeria URNGXXXXXXX
8MFI Codes of banks in North Korea
9MFI Codes of banks in Norway URNOXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Oman UROMXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Pakistan URPKXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in the State of Palestine URPSXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Peru URPEXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in the Philippines URPHXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of largest banks in the Philippines URPHXXXXXXX
6MFI Codes of banks in Poland URPLXXXXXXX
7MFI Codes of banks in Portugal URPTXXXXXXX
8 MFI Codes of Puerto Rico
1MFI Codes of banks in Qatar URQAXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Romania URROXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Russia URRUXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Rwanda URRWXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in San Marino URSMXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in São Tomé and Príncipe URSTXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Saudi Arabia URSAXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in Senegal URSNXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in Serbia URRSXXXXXXX
6MFI Codes of banks in Seychelles URSCXXXXXXX
7MFI Codes of banks in Sierra Leone URSLXXXXXXX
8MFI Codes of banks in Singapore URSGXXXXXXX
9MFI Codesof banks in Slovakia URSKXXXXXXX
10MFI Codes of banks in Slovenia URSIXXXXXXX
11MFI Codes of banks in Somalia URSOXXXXXXX
12MFI Codes of banks in South Africa URZAXXXXXXX
13MFI Codes of banks in South Sudan URSSXXXXXXX
14MFI Codes of banks in Spain URESXXXXXXX
15MFI Codes of banks in Sri Lanka URLKXXXXXXX
16MFI Codes of banks in Sudan URSDXXXXXXX
17MFI Codes of banks in Sweden URSEXXXXXXX
18MFI Codes of banks in Switzerland URCHXXXXXXX
19MFI Codesof banks in Syria URSYXXXXXXX
1MFI Codesof banks in Taiwan URTWXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Tajikistan URTJXXXXXXX
3MFI Codes of banks in Tanzania URTZXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in Thailand URTHXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in Togo URTGXXXXXXXX
6MFI Codes of banks in Trinidad and Tobago URTTXXXXXXX
7MFI Codes of banks in Tunisia URTNXXXXXXX
8MFI Codesof banks in Turkey URTRXXXXXXX
9MFI Codes of banks in Turkmenistan URTMXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Uganda URUGXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of investment banks in Uganda
3MFI Codes of banks in Ukraine URUAXXXXXXX
4MFI Codes of banks in the United Arab Emirates URAEXXXXXXX
5MFI Codes of banks in the United Kingdom URUKXXXXXXX
6 MFI Codes of banks in URUSAXXXXXXX
7 MFI Codesof banks in Uruguay URUYXXXXXXX
8MFI Codes of banks in Uzbekistan URUZXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Venezuela URVEXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Vietnam URVNXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Yemen URYEXXXXXXX
1MFI Codes of banks in Zambia URZMXXXXXXX
2MFI Codes of banks in Zimbabwe URZWXXXXXXX
All recognized countries aee members and representatives from each country have been sent.
The heads of state of each country are representatives as well and meet once a year.
All heads of state and government heads are committee members.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: has one main goal, ensure all humanity have all the basic neccessities of life!
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: an organization for the people formed by the people to care for the universe and the people
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: An organisation formed to restore the world to the paradise it was intended to be. A new day has come... A new dawn for the people, for creation and for the universe!
Deuteronomy 14:23 -
''And you shall eat your tithe before the LORD your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, , that you may learn to fear the LORD your God always.''
Universal Reserve Organisation - Imprint