We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE CENTRALBANK Universal reserve central bank is made up of all the countries in the world. This list shows the countries ranked by the gross domestic product starting from 2017 the year the treaty that creates universal reserve organisation, was called forth. The GDP value indicated the financial position of each country based on trade,income, surface area and population.Whereas the GDP values shows the economic status of the country, the GDP values do not reflect the living standards or income per capital of the country.
Each member country is assigned a number or code and a bank account where minimum reserves and all the country monetary transactions are managed.
COUNTRY CODE ACCOUNT GDP(Starting value) 1 United States URB/USA/840 URCBDEFFUSA 20,580,223
2 China URB/CHN/156 URCBDEFFCHN 13,608,152
3 Japan URB/JPN/392 URCBDEFFJPN 4,971,323
4 Germany URB/DEU/276 URCBDEFFDEU 3,949,549
5 United Kingdom URB/GBR/826 URCBDEFFGBR 2,855,297
6 India URB/IND/356 URCBDEFFIND 2,779,351
7 France URB/FRA/250 URCBDEFFFRA 2,778,892
8 Italy URB/ITA/380 URCBDEFFITA 2,084,882
9 Brazil URB/BRA/076 URCBDEFFBRA 1,868,613
10 South Korea URB/KOR/410 URCBDEFFKOR 1,720,489
11 Canada URB/CAN/124 URCBDEFFCAN 1,712,562
12 Russia URB/RUS/643 URCBDEFFRUS 1,660,514
13 Australia URB/AUS/036 URCBDEFFAUS 1,453,871
14 Spain URB/ESP/724 URCBDEFFESP 1,419,735
15 Mexico URB/MEX/484 URCBDEFFMEX 1,223,401
16 Indonesia URB/IDN/360 URCBDEFFIND 1,042,173
17 Netherlands URB/NLD/528 URCBDEFFNLD 914,105
18 Saudi Arabia URB/SAU/682 URCBDEFFSAU 782,484
19 Turkey URB/TUR/792 URCBDEFFTUR 771,355
20 Switzerland URB/CHE/756 URCBDEFFCHE 705,141
21 Poland URB/POL/616 URCBDEFFPOL 585,661
— Taiwan URB/TWN/158 URCBDEFFTWN 579,865
22 Sweden URB/SWE/752 URCBDEFFSWE 556,087
23 Belgium URB/BEL/084 URCBDEFFBEL 543,026
24 Argentina URB/ARG/032 URCBDEFFARG 518,475
25 Thailand URB/THA/764 URCBDEFFTHA 504,992
26 Iran URB/IRN/364 URCBDEFFIRN 473,091
27 Austria URB/AUT/040 URCBDEFFAUT 455,508
28 Norway URB/NOR/578 URCBDEFFNOR 434,167
29 Nigeria URB/NGA/566 URCBDEFFNGA 421,821
30 United Arab Emirates URB/ARE/784 URCBDEFFARE 414,179
31 Ireland URB/IRL/372 URCBDEFFIRL 382,674
32 Israel URB/ISR/376 URCBDEFFISR 370,588
33 South Africa URB/ZAF/710 URCBDEFFZAF 368,094
— Hong Kong URB/HKG/344 URCBDEFFHKG 362,682
34 Singapore URB/SGP/702 URCBDEFFSGP 361,115
35 Malaysia URB/MYS/458 URCBDEFFMYS 358,579
36 Denmark URB/DNK/208 URCBDEFFDNK 355,675
37 Philippines URB/PHL/608 URCBDEFFPHL 330,910
38 Colombia URB/COL/170 URCBDEFFCOL 330,228
39 Chile URB/CHL/152 URCBDEFFCHL 298,231
40 Pakistan URB/PAK/586 URCBDEFFPAK 282,346
41 Finland URB/FIN/246 URCBDEFFFIN 276,878
42 Bangladesh URB/BGD/050 URCBDEFFBGD 269,628
43 Egypt URB/EGY/818 URCBDEFFEGY 249,751
44 Czech Republic URB/CZE/203 URCBDEFFCZE 245,226
45 Vietnam URB/VNM/704 URCBDEFFVNM 244,901
46 Portugal URB/PRT/620 URCBDEFFPRT 240,792
47 Romania URB/ROU/642 URCBDEFFROU 239,552
48 Peru URB/PER/604 URCBDEFFPER 222,237
49 Greece URB/GRC/300 URCBDEFFGRC 218,139
50 Iraq URB/IRQ/368 URCBDEFFIRQ 212,272
51 Venezuela URB/VEN/862 URCBDEFVEN 208,339
52 New Zealand URB/NZL/554 URCBDEFNZL 207,921
53 Qatar URB/QAT/634 URCBDEFQAT 191,362
54 Kazakhstan URB/KAZ/398 URCBDEFKAZ 179,340
55 Algeria URB/DZA/012 URCBDEFDZA 173,758
56 Hungary URB/HUN/348 URCBDEFHUN 157,883
57 Kuwait URB/KWT/414 URCBDEFKWT 141,698
58 Ukraine URB/UKR/804 URCBDEFUKR 130,832
59 Morocco URB/MAR/504 URCBDEFMAR 117,921
60 Ecuador URB/ECU/218 URCBDEFECU 108,398
61 Slovakia URB/SVK/703 URCBDEFSVK 105,956
62 Angola URB/AGO/024 URCBDEFAGO 105,902
— Puerto Rico URB/PRI/630 URCBDEFPRI 101,131
63 Cuba URB/CUB/192 URCBDEFCUB 100,023
64 Oman URB/OMN/512 URCBDEFOMN 92,112
65 Sri Lanka URB/LKA/144 URCBDEFLKA 88,942
66 Kenya URB/KEN/404 URCBDEFKEN 87,906
67 Dominican Republic URB/DOM/214 URCBDEFDOM 81,299
68 Ethiopia URB/ETH/231 URCBDEFETH 80,293
69 Guatemala URB/GTM/320 URCBDEFGTM 78,461
70 Myanmar URB/MMR/104 URCBDEFMMR 72,745
71 Luxembourg URB/LUX/442 URCBDEFLUX 70,920
72 Bulgaria URB/BGR/100 URCBDEFBGR 66,199
73 Ghana URB/GHA/288 URCBDEFGHA 65,535
74 Panama URB/PAN/591 URCBDEFPAN 65,055
75 Croatia URB/HRV/191 URCBDEFHRV 60,991
76 Costa Rica URB/CRI/188 URCBDEFCRI 60,126
77 Belarus URB/BLR/112 URCBDEFBLR 59,662
78 Uruguay URB/URY/858 URCBDEFURY 59,597
79 Tanzania URB/TZA/834 URCBDEFTZA 57,145
80 Lebanon URB/LBN/422 URCBDEFLBN 56,409
— Macau URB/MAC/446 URCBDEFMAC 54,545
81 Slovenia URB/SVN/705 URCBDEFSVN 54,034
82 Lithuania URB/LTU/440 URCBDEFLTU 53,455
83 Serbia URB/SRB/688 URCBDEFSRB 50,597
84 Sudan URB/SSD/728 URCBDEFSSD 50,514
85 Uzbekistan URB/UZB/860 URCBDEFUZB 50,500
86 Congo, Democratic Republic of the URB/COD/180 URCBDEFCOD 47,146
87 Azerbaijan URB/AZE/031 URCBDEFAZE 46,939
88 Côte d'Ivoire URB/CIV/384 URCBDEFCIV 43,028
89 Jordan URB/JOR/400 URCBDEFJOR 42,231
90 Turkmenistan URB/TKM/795 URCBDEFTKM 40,749
91 Paraguay URB/PRY/600 URCBDEFPRY 40,308
92 Bolivia URB/BOL/068 URCBDEFBOL 40,288
93 Tunisia URB/TUN/788 URCBDEFTUN 39,895
94 Cameroon URB/CMR/120 URCBDEFCMR 38,694
95 Bahrain URB/BHR/048 URCBDEFBHR 37,876
96 Latvia URB/LVA/428 URCBDEFLVA 34,426
97 Libya URB/LBY/434 URCBDEFLBY 34,377
98 Estonia URB/EST/233 URCBDEFEST 30,747
99 Uganda URB/UGA/800 URCBDEFUGA 30,098
100 Nepal URB/NPL/524 URCBDEFNPL 27,830
101 Zambia URB/ZMB/894 URCBDEFZMB 27,283
102 Yemen URB/YEM/887 URCBDEFYEM 26,672
103 El Salvador URB/SLV/222 URCBDEFSLV 26,057
104 Iceland URB/ISL/352 URCBDEFISL 25,882
105 Cyprus URB/CYP/196 URCBDEFCYP 24,963
106 Cambodia URB/KHM/116 URCBDEFKHM 24,572
107 Zimbabwe URB/ZWE/716 URCBDEFZWE 24,312
108 Honduras URB/HND/340 URCBDEFHND 23,970
109 Senegal URB/SEN/686 URCBDEFSEN 23,809
110 Trinidad and Tobago URB/TGO/768 URCBDEFTGO 23,808
111 Papua New Guinea URB/PNG/598 URCBDEFPNG 23,077
112 Afghanistan URB/AFG/004 URCBDEFAFG 20,514
113 Bosnia and Herzegovina URB/BIH/070 URCBDEFBIH 19,782
114 Botswana URB/BWA/072 URCBDEFBWA 18,615
115 Laos URB/LAO/418 URCBDEFLAO 17,954
116 Georgia URB/GEO/268 URCBDEFGEO 17,600
117 Korea, North URB/PRK/408 URCBDEFPRK 17,487
118 Mali URB/MLI/466 URCBDEFMLI 17,172
119 Gabon URB/GAB/266 URCBDEFGAB 16,994
120 Syria URB/SYR/760 URCBDEFSYR 16,628
— Palestine URB/PSE/275 URCBDEFPSE 16,277
121 Burkina Faso URB/BFA/854 URCBDEFBFA 16,200
122 Jamaica URB/JAM/388 URCBDEFJAM 15,714
123 Albania URB/ALB/008 URCBDEFALB 15,059
124 Mozambique URB/MOZ/508 URCBDEFMOZ 14,717
125 Malta URB/MLT/470 URCBDEFMLT 14,549
126 Namibia URB/NAM/516 URCBDEFNAM 14,519
127 Mauritius URB/MUS/480 URCBDEFMUS 14,220
128 Congo, Republic of the URB/COG/178 URCBDEFCOG 14,173
129 Madagascar URB/MDG/450 URCBDEFMDG 13,851
130 Brunei URB/BRN/096 URCBDEFBRN 13,567
131 Equatorial Guinea URB/GNQ/226 URCBDEFCNQ 13,324
132 Nicaragua URB/NIC/558 URCBDEFNIC 13,118
133 Mongolia URB/MNG/496 URCBDEFMNG 13,010
134 Niger URB/NER/562 URCBDEFFNER 12,821
135 North Macedonia URB/ 12,629
136 Armenia URB/ARM/051 URCBDEFFARM 12,433
137 Bahamas, The URB/BHS/044 URCBDEFFBHS 12,425
138 Guinea URB/GIN/324 URCBDEFFGIN 11,640
139 Chad URB/TCD/148 URCBDEFFTCD 11,387
140 Moldova URB/MDA/498 URCBDEFFMDA 11,309
141 Benin URB/BEN/204 URCBDEFFBEN 10,412
— New Caledonia URB/NCL/540 URCBDEFFNCL 10,174
142 Rwanda URB/RWA/642 URCBDEFFRWA 9,510
143 Haiti URB/HTI/332 URCBDEFFHTI 9,287
144 South Sudan URB/SSD/728 URCBDEFFSSD 8,207
145 Kyrgyzstan URB/KGZ/417 URCBDEFFKGZ 8,093
— Kosovo URB/ 7,943
146 Mauritania URB/MRT/478 URCBDEFFMRT 7,620
147 Tajikistan URB/TJK/762 URCBDEFFTJK 7,523
148 Malawi URB/MWI/454 URCBDEFFMWI 7,196
149 Monaco URB/MCO/492 URCBDEFFMCO 7,189
150 Eritrea URB/ERI/232 URCBDEFFERI 6,855
151 Liechtenstein URB/LIE/438 URCBDEFFLIE 6500
— Bermuda URB/BMU/060 URCBDEFFBMU 6,351
— French Polynesia URB/PYF/258 URCBDEFFPYF 6,100
152 Fiji URB/FJI/242 URCBDEFFFJI 5,537
153 Montenegro URB/MNE/499 URCBDEFFMNE 5,507
— Cayman Islands URB/CYM/136 URCBDEFFCYM 5,485
154 Maldives URB/MDV/462 URCBDEFFMDV 5,327
155 Togo URB/TGO/768 URCBDEFFTGO 5,166
156 Barbados URB/BRB/052 URCBDEFFBRB 5,087
157 Eswatini URB/SWZ/748 URCBDEFFSWZ 4,711
158 Sierra Leone URB/SLE/694 URCBDEFFSLE 4,101
159 Guyana URB/GUY/328 URCBDEFFGUY 3,818
160 Suriname URB/SUR/740 URCBDEFFSUR 3,458
161 Burundi URB/BDI/108 URCBDEFFBDI 3,285
162 Andorra URB/AND/020 URCBDEFFAND 3,238
— Aruba URB/ABW/533 URCBDEFFABW 3,203
— Curaçao URB/CUW/531 URCBDEFFCUW 3,128
— Greenland URB/GRL/304 URCBDEFFGRL 3,052
163 Djibouti URB/DJI/262 URCBDEFFDJI 2,923
164 Bhutan URB/BTN/064 URCBDEFFBTN 2,658
165 Lesotho URB/LSO/426 URCBDEFFLSO 2,631
166 Timor-Leste URB/TLS/626 URCBDEFFTLS 2,581
167 Central African Republic URB/CAF/140 URCBDEFFCAF 2,243
168 Liberia URB/LBR/430 URCBDEFFLBR 2,121
169 Cape Verde URB/CPV/132 URCBDEFFCPV 1,977
170 Saint Lucia URB/ LCA/662 URCBDEFFLCA 1,922
171 Belize URB/BLZ/084 URCBDEFFBLZ 1,871
CAPITALAdditional capital will come from all the regulated entities which will include
Universal reserve will directly and indirectly supervise the financial sector which includes:
Commercial Banks (Banking) Investment Banks (Wealth management) Insurance Companies (Insurance) Brokerage Firms (Advisory) & Regulated advice Planning Firms (Wealth management, Advisory) CPA Firms (Wealth management, Advisory) Funds and investments
Each regulated entity will have a code and account at Universal reserve central bank, and will maintain a reserve account. About 10% of the money deposited into banks must stay on hand, as dictated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) reserve requirement. These resources will be used to raise capital for the reserve bank.
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This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may benefit. Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services, explaining to users why they should choose your company.
This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may benefit. Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services, explaining to users why they should choose your company.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: has one main goal, ensure all humanity have all the basic neccessities of life!
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: an organization for the people formed by the people to care for the universe and the people
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: An organisation formed to restore the world to the paradise it was intended to be. A new day has come... A new dawn for the people, for creation and for the universe!
Deuteronomy 14:23 -
''And you shall eat your tithe before the LORD your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, , that you may learn to fear the LORD your God always.''
Universal Reserve Organisation - Imprint