We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile, and to your highest level of satisfaction.
.TREASURY ACTIVITIES. i.High-quality assets: - Treasury management fills the dual roles of ensuring that the Bank has the capacity to continually meet its financial commitments and of ii.implementing the Bank’s asset and liability policy. Funds are invested in designated portfolios with defined criteria based on a low-risk strategy of diversification. The Bank’s portfolio management must at all times comply with the guidelines, prudential limits and indicators laid down by the UR governing bodies.
The operational treasury included the following portfolios:
• Treasury Monetary Portfolio (TMP), designed for daily liquidity management;
• Securities Liquidity Portfolio (SLP), which invests in the Member countries and aims to provide diversification while enhancing the return on treasury assets.
Universal reserve treasury is formed from combining every national government treasury into one block and treasury.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the universal reserve treasury will be to offer investors high quality securities to raise capital to finance government based projects aimed at improving the lives of the people.
The reserves from all the national governments put together will be used to back the securities offered to investors,thus making the investment portfolios offered risk free investment backed by the full faith of these reserves.
Universal reserve will offer a full range of investment products with high liquidity,interest rates, spread and performance.
Investment opportunities to investors will include structured securities and plain securities
Universal reserve treasury will maintain strict statutory investment portfolios to ensure its status as a prudent and conservative financial institution in the world.
- invest in national governments so their economies can grow sustainably
- to finance URO based institutions aimed at alleviating world poverty and improving lives.
- to set up organisations and groups with the aim of caring for the planet.
- create stable governments with focus on social development, inclusion, good governance and society building.
- Strengthen government ability to deliver quality services, efficiency and transparency.
To invest in securities visit TREASURY DIRECT
Open a treasury direct base to invest in securities.
URO securities are considered as risk free investments and investing in the government securities provide a consistent source of income over a specified period of time.
Investors who buy these securites are loaning money to the governments which promises to re- pay those investors after a specified period of time, called maturity.
Investing in securities is a simple process that you can undertake through the URO treasury and your commercial bank.
While commercial banks,corporate entities, pension schemes and supranational financial entities are some of the largest investors in URO securities, individuals can invest directly through the URO TREASURY INVEST
Investors you are interested in investing in URO securities you must have an account with a commercial bank with sufficient funds and must open an account with URO - TREASURY by filling the FORM-Open an account.
Investors who need to redeem their securities before they mature can rediscount those securities as a last resort.URO can repurchase these securities in a process known as rediscounting.
URO securities such as bonds can also be traded in secondary markets giving the investors an alternative opportunity to recieve money for their security without neccessarily discounting the security.
These securities can be transfered to other third parties.
URO offers a range of securities which include bonds and medium term notes and their maturities can range from 90 days to 30 years.
There are lots of different types of securities but their basic operations are similar.
Investors buying URO securities are infact loaning money to the URO -treasury for a specified period of time which is the bonds maturity.
With most securities investors will recieve interest payments every 6 months throughout that period of time - and at the end of that period they recieve the face value amount they initially invested.
1. SECURE - URO securities are units of a global debt meaning you are investing in the government.
2. REGULAR RETURNS: - Most URO securities carry semi-annual interest payments allowing investors to recieve returns every 6 months.
3. FLEXIBILITY:- URO offers several types of treasury securities enabling investors to find offers that fit their needs.
4. CONTINOUS:- URO securities are offered on a continous basis providing ample investment opportunity for diverse financial needs.
5. VARIETY:- URO treasury offers a variety of securities giving investors a variety to choose from as is suitable for their needs.
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This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may benefit. Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services, explaining to users why they should choose your company.
This is the text area for a paragraph describing this service. You may want to give examples of the service and who may benefit. Describe the benefits and advantages of this group of services, explaining to users why they should choose your company.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: has one main goal, ensure all humanity have all the basic neccessities of life!
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: an organization for the people formed by the people to care for the universe and the people
UNIVERSAL RESERVE: An organisation formed to restore the world to the paradise it was intended to be. A new day has come... A new dawn for the people, for creation and for the universe!
Deuteronomy 14:23 -
''And you shall eat your tithe before the LORD your God, in the place where He chooses to make His name abide, , that you may learn to fear the LORD your God always.''
Universal Reserve Organisation - Imprint