October 12, 2022

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Universalreserve Organisation will work together with the national governments to implement measures which will eliminate racial discrimination.
Here is a report on racial discrimination in Germany which has been noted as one of the countries which is yet to address this vice fully and effectively.
German man attacks Jews on the HOLIEST Jewish day.

An attack based on sheer Evil and hate nothing else.

October 12, 2022
The truth about seaworld - Activites explain why it is wrong to confine sea animals in chlorine water in small spaces.Support a charitable organization that caters to cruelty to animals by investing in a charity bond here
By web.de-duda-smeid October 12, 2022
Hunger and Drought is a constant issue affecting one third of the people.
October 12, 2022
Climate change, natural catatrophies and human activity create damage to nature such as trees, deforestation, floods and so on.
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